Nelson Castaneda, Joe Bihlmeyer, Roger Bessette, Kevin Corteville, Bob Cyr, Justin Lalor, Lisa Smith (Back row) Nathan Mezheritskiy, Pragyan Pandey, Yonatan Alexrad (Front row)
Nakul Ramaswamy, Ian Harris, Norman Burtness, Bob Cyr Gert Hilhorst (kneeling in front)
Master Chef Mario Guevara-Rodriguez serves Suhas Kodali.
In front: Gary Hilhorst vs. Mario Guevara-Rodriguez In back: Lisa Smith vs. Nakul Ramaswamy
In front: David Herscovici vs. Richard Bauer In back: Joseph Bihlmeyer vs. Ian Harris
Players from across the state enjoy pizza and refreshments at Bob's party.
The more experienced Bob Cyr plays against the newcomer and talented, Yonatan Alexrad
Wissam Afyouni, Nelson Castaneda, Joe Bihlmeyer, George Himes, Tom Sullivan, Bob Cyr
Final table on the Summer Knock-out tournament. Niloy (left) won.
Jason Lalor, Nelson Castaneda, Dennis Himes, Richard Bauer, Suhas Kodali
Yonatan Axelrad, Sheritan Vijay, Kevin Corteville
Jason Lalor, Yoon-Young Kim, Bob Campbell, Gaetano Bompastore
Bob Cyr, Andrew Feng, Yonatan Axelrad, Bill Campbell
Robbie Jay, Lily Wang, Jeraldin Sundar, Vivaan Lodha