Nov 23 - On Saturday, Nov 20, the Yale Chess Team traveled to Cambridge for a match against long-standing rival Harvard. The result was a 2-2 tie. "Although we were going into the game hoping for a win, we still did better than the 35-3 loss in football," said Yale Chess Club president Scott Caplan. "FM Akira Watanabe lost on board 1 as did I on board 4. FM Dave Wang (captain) and Matt Traldi won on boards 2 and 3, leaving the match a tie. With no pre-arranged plans for a tie-breaker, we decided that the tie-breaker would have to wait until next year." As far as Yale's chess season is concerned, it's one of their best showings since '87 (when Yale won the Pan-Am). Nice job, guys. Still Still Still Still the strongest finish Yale has had against Harvard in a long time.
Nov 23 - On Sunday, Nov. 7 FM Akira Watanabe, 3-time champion of Japan won the Open Section of the 2004 Greater New Haven Fall Open in Orange, CT. He tied GM Ildar Ibragimov with 3.5 wins, drawing the last game against Ibragimov. The first place trophy was decided on tiebreaks. For full results, check out 2004 F Fall GNHO.
Nov 23 - On Octber 26, top-seed Akira Watanabe (2395) of Yale defeated second-seed Nelson Castaneda (2327) in the third round, and took a draw against third-seed Glenn Budzinski three outright first places eight years ago. Only Stephen Muccioli, Richard Bauer and Akira Watanabe each have one leg on the second Townsend Cup. Richard Chang of South Windsor won the Re the Reserve Divi the Re the Reserve Division, and John Posavetz of Madison won the Novice Division.
Nov 22 - USCF state champions from Eastern and Western states competed on Saturday, September 18 and Sunday, September 19, 2004. Ronald B Burnett of Tennessee, Edward McHugh of Connecticut, Mark Ginsburg of Arizona, and Oleg Zaikov of Oregon advanced to compete in the Semifinals. Ronald Burnett of Tennessee d defeated Oleg Zaikov of Oregon 1.5/.5 and Edward McHugh of Connecticut defeated Mark Ginsburg of Arizona 2/0 in the semi-finals on Saturday, September 25, 2004. Ronald Burnett defeated Ed defeated Ed defeated Edward McHugh 1.5/.5 in the finals on Sunday, September 26, 2004. Congratulations to Ted on a great showing for CT! For GM Larry Christiansen's play-by-play coverage, check out Ginsburg vs. McHugh .
May 25 - GM Ildar Ibragimov sweeps Foxwoods and the Connecticut Open!! No one has ever done this before (to my recollection)! Will he comp complete the "Triple Crown" of Connecticut chess at the Bradley Open?