New Britain Chess Club, founded 1901
a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation
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The New Britain Chess Club Hall-of-Fame

Achievement Member
Greatest contributor to the NBCCArkadijs Strazdins (50 plus years of service)
Most NBCC major tournament winsArkadijs Strazdins (71)
Most NBCC quick chess tournament winsNelson Castaneda (45)
Most NBCC blitz chess tournament winsArkadijs Strazdins (354)
Most NBCC bullet chess tournament winsNelson Castaneda (6)
Most Connecticut state blitz chess tournament winsEdward McHugh (10)
Three or more NBCC major tournament wins in one year
(ties for first place included)
Arkadijs Strazdins, James Bolton, Richard Bauer, Nelson Castaneda, Dennis Prawira, and Jordan Groff
Clear winners of the same major club event for three or more consecutive yearsEdmund Roman, Arkadijs Strazdins, Richard Bauer, and Dennis Prawira
First woman to win a major NBCC tournamentMary Conlon
First tie for first place in a major NBCC tournament
by two members of the same family
Arkadijs Strazdins and Andris Strazdins (trophies)
John Nitz and James Nitz (cash prizes)
First wins in different sections of a major NBCC tournament by two members of the same family Jasmine and Alan Su
First NBCC member to win or tie for first place in his own
NBCC tournament
Edward McHugh
First NBCC members of the same family to become mastersNelson Castaneda and Andres Castaneda
Youngest NBCC member to become a masterYoon-Young Kim (age 13 at the time)
Most senior NBCC member to become a masterDerek Meredith (age 50 at the time)
Biggest upset in a NBCC tournament (standard)Samantha Aiyathurai (upset of 1163 rating points)
Biggest upset in a NBCC tournament (quick)Emily Pond (upset of 1367 rating points)
Most consecutive wins against masters giving
simultaneous chess exhibitions at the NBCC
Daniel Rozovsky (3)
Longest-standing NBCC member Anthony Yablonski (62 years)
Longest-serving NBCC officer Andris Strazdins (42 years)
Longest-serving NBCC tournament director Arkadijs Strazdins (56 years)
NBCC member who held all four officer positions
at different times
Jan Cendrowski
First woman to become a NBCC tournament directorEmily Pond
Youngest NBCC officer and treasurerAndris Strazdins (age 23)
Youngest NBCC presidentSuhas Kodali (age 27)
Youngest NBCC vice presidentSuhas Kodali (age 25)
Youngest NBCC tournament directorEdward Harris (age 17)
Youngest NBCC lecturerDavid Mashkov (age 15)
First woman to become a NBCC officerElizabeth Smith
Highest established rating earned by a NBCC memberNelson Castaneda, Richard Bauer, and Michael Casella (all have been USCF SMs)
Highest provisional rating earned by a NBCC memberDennis Prawira (2700 USCF rating)
Fastest increase in established rating earned by a NBCC memberDavid Mashkov (690 points in one calendar year)
Oldest and youngest winner of the NBCC ChampionshipArkadijs Strazdins and Daniel Rozovsky
Player to win the most prizes in a NBCC tournamentDavid Gaston (3)
NBCC lifetime achievement awards and memberships Arkadijs Strazdins, Andris Strazdins, Robert Cyr, and Joseph Mansigian
First tie for first place in a major non-NBCC event by
two members of the same family
Michael Pascetta and Daniel Pascetta