Achievement |
Member |
Greatest contributor to the NBCC | Arkadijs Strazdins (50 plus years of service) |
Most NBCC major tournament wins | Arkadijs Strazdins (71) |
Most NBCC quick chess tournament wins | Nelson Castaneda (45) |
Most NBCC blitz chess tournament wins | Arkadijs Strazdins (354) |
Most NBCC bullet chess tournament wins | Nelson Castaneda (6) |
Most Connecticut state blitz chess tournament wins | Edward McHugh (10) |
Three or more NBCC major tournament wins in one year (ties for first place included) |
Arkadijs Strazdins, James Bolton, Richard Bauer, Nelson Castaneda, Dennis Prawira, and Jordan Groff |
Clear winners of the same major club event for three or more consecutive years | Edmund Roman,
Arkadijs Strazdins, Richard
Bauer, and Dennis Prawira
First woman to win a major NBCC tournament | Mary Conlon
First tie for first place in a major NBCC tournament by two members of the same family | Arkadijs Strazdins and
(trophies) John Nitz and James
Nitz (cash prizes) |
First wins in different sections of a major NBCC tournament by two members of the same family |
Jasmine and Alan Su |
First NBCC member to win or tie for first place in his own NBCC tournament | Edward McHugh |
First NBCC members of the same family to become masters | Nelson Castaneda and Andres Castaneda |
Youngest NBCC member to become a master | Yoon-Young Kim (age 13 at the time) |
Most senior NBCC member to become a master | Derek Meredith (age 50 at the time) |
Biggest upset in a NBCC tournament (standard) | Samantha Aiyathurai (upset of 1163 rating points) |
Biggest upset in a NBCC tournament (quick) | Emily Pond (upset of 1367 rating points) |
Most consecutive wins against masters giving simultaneous chess exhibitions at the NBCC | Daniel Rozovsky (3) |
Longest-standing NBCC member | Anthony Yablonski (62 years) |
Longest-serving NBCC officer | Andris Strazdins (42 years) |
Longest-serving NBCC tournament director | Arkadijs Strazdins (56 years) |
NBCC member who held all four officer positions at different times | Jan Cendrowski |
First woman to become a NBCC tournament director | Emily Pond |
Youngest NBCC officer and treasurer | Andris Strazdins (age 23) |
Youngest NBCC president | Suhas Kodali (age 27) |
Youngest NBCC vice president | Suhas Kodali (age 25) |
Youngest NBCC tournament director | Edward Harris (age 17) |
Youngest NBCC lecturer | David Mashkov (age 15) |
First woman to become a NBCC officer | Elizabeth Smith |
Highest established rating earned by a NBCC member | Nelson Castaneda, Richard Bauer, and Michael
Casella (all have been USCF SMs) |
Highest provisional rating earned by a NBCC member | Dennis Prawira (2700 USCF rating) |
Fastest increase in established rating earned by a NBCC member | David Mashkov (690 points in one calendar year) |
Oldest and youngest winner of the NBCC Championship | Arkadijs Strazdins and Daniel Rozovsky |
Player to win the most prizes in a NBCC tournament | David Gaston (3) |
NBCC lifetime achievement awards and memberships | Arkadijs Strazdins, Andris Strazdins, Robert Cyr, and Joseph
Mansigian |
First tie for first place in a major non-NBCC event by two members of the same family | Michael Pascetta and Daniel
Pascetta |